Yoga Central

Yoga & Fitness Made Simple

Yoga Fitness Tips for a Balanced Lifestyle

Our lifestyles have become so fast-paced with technology that our activity levels are dropping to dangerous levels. Under such conditions, fitness techniques like yoga are an excellent choice that not only blends into our daily routines easily but also enable us to mold our life towards fitness, well-being, mental and emotional needs.

Beginner Yoga Tips for Women

Women have always been amazing multi-taskers, so integrating yoga into their daily life isn’t usually a big problem. Here are a few tips and if you are just starting out in yoga:

  • Know exactly what you want to achieve with yoga
  • Buy mats that are a little sticky rather than smooth or slippery
  • Contact an experienced practitioner nearby
  • Work on the mindfulness and breathing control parts of yoga
  • Drink lots of water and stick to a healthy diet

Is Yoga Hard?

At first, yoga may seem very simple poses, positions and orientations but when someone starts practising it, they usually find it mentally and physically challenging. However, that’s what good exercise is all about, it has to be challenging in order to work effectively. Most people find yoga hard because they’re having trouble with flexibility and getting focused enough. All this wears away with time.

How Often Should You Do Yoga?

According to studies, you should perform yoga around 4 to 6 times every week, especially when starting out, since this gives you ample time to recover and rest. After a while, you can gradually increase the intensity levels of your exercises and do them multiple times a day. Remember, it’s not the number of times you perform yoga every week that determines your strength, there are people who only do it twice a week and are strong enough to perform advanced poses.

When is the Best time to do yoga?

Generally, the two most ideal times to perform yoga are the early evening and morning period. Morning time is more preferred since it can help you have a full session with a fresh and active body. No matter what time you choose, it’s good if you end with a Savasana or the Corpse pose. Apart from this, you can even perform a different yoga exercise during the afternoon using some special poses like Seated wide-angle, the Bound angle and Seated forward bend.

How Long Should you Hold Your Yoga Poses?

If you are a beginner, you should start with very small steps that you can actually build on in the later stages. For instance, as a beginner yogi, you can start with 5-second holds and then after a week, you can upgrade to 10-second long holds for every pose.

Once you’re set and a few weeks have passed, you should be looking to increase your hold times to around 1 minute for each pose since according to many experts, this is the ideal holding time for intermediaries.

In Summary

If you’re trying to start yoga, you should know the ideal time to hold your breath, the ideal time for exercising and the frequency with which you should perform them every week. Knowing about these details beforehand will definitely help you on your journey to have a balanced lifestyle.